diary entry (58)

20 Name: dairy man : 2024-03-25 20:06 ID:9lT8giRk [Del]

I'm on such a quirky high horse, I have to be unique, all my thoughts must be unique, but the moment I find an opening where one of someone else's characteristics snugly fit in with mine, I rejoice and get excited. I want to be friends with them, I want to give them a bit of my personal belongings, thoughts, and finances.
I'm trying to build a train heading to Sweden, Novosibirsk and back, as you may know, but it's stupidly hard to come back down to earth as soon as I'm distracted, and all thoughts suddenly vaporize.

It's what the old folk would call "fruity", "feminine", "gay", "tasteless", "alien", "unorthodox eroticism" (despite no exchange of emotions or sexual fluids), "unpatriotic" (despite the fact they have been willingly harboring the Northern Mexican empire as part of the union for several decades as a drug source, and been willingly watching and glorifying "baseball")...

Oddly enough, I do know this feeling will not last more than a week, and I will be back on the railways before I know it. In fact, I think the next rail bit is from Kazan to Volgograd; I have the partial blueprints somewhere but am lazy to pull it up just for this diary log. However, the week of desiring something beyond the box of my own is disturbing and selfless - the exact two traits of humanity I could care less about.

I still miss the thousands of images that I lost on my hard drive, but can hardly recall any of them. They were apparently important, but I don't remember why.

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