Strange deaths of globalists (2)

1 Name: kuyjutgt : 2024-08-03 10:34 ID:1lju768o [Del]

Strange deaths of globalists

In 2015, a list of individuals allegedly responsible for connections between governments of European countries, the USA, Canada, CIS countries, and Latin America with global business and the implementation of so-called cultural Marxism, which leads to migrant flows, feminism, etc. was published in Tor, I2P, and other dark networks. The lists were published almost immediately after the publication of SwissLeaks. The list contained around 900 individuals, including politicians, left-wing activists, bankers, top managers of large corporations, scientists, and others. Some believe that the lists were compiled based on information that later formed the basis of subsequent leaks, such as Bahamas Leaks and Paradise Papers. Stage names and connections could be calculated using neural networks for analyzing large arrays of information. The lists included individuals from the mentioned regions. Later, the lists were copied, but the number of individuals and the date of the initial publication were changed. In March 2024, lists of individuals accused of the same things as in 2015 were published in the Tor network. However, these lists were presented as lists of already liquidated individuals. It was found that 85% of the deceased coincided with the 2015 lists, but only Europe was represented. Similar lists were also published for the USA. In 2015, it coincided with the beginning of Donald Trump's campaign and the publication of large volumes of information about NSA spying on European countries. Some people believe that the death of many individuals was likely due to old age and diseases, while others note that the elimination of opponents still made sense, as age did not prevent them from making decisions, and they were listed in the 2015 lists. Moreover, in the USSR or China, many poisonings were carried out taking into account the person's illnesses, so that the death would look as natural as possible. This is the same logic as masking elimination as an accident. For example, in the case of Queen Elizabeth II, if it is true that she suffered from myeloma, an overdose of Doxorubicin could cause a heart attack. On the other hand, special services themselves may conceal the fact of death as murder to avoid losing their authority. As for the forces that could carry out such large-scale liquidations, most opinions suggest that it could be coordinated actions of intelligence agencies from several countries and part of the global business dissatisfied with the existing world order. Here, the plan may be realized over a long period of time and consists of weakening the connections of a certain global network. Such countries may include the USA, China, Russia, Japan, and others. Some of the victims are very well-known individuals, such as the aforementioned Queen Elizabeth II or former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Another part consists of politicians, journalists. We provide this list without changes

Johnny Clegg, Wolfgang Schauble, Zain Nadella, Elizabeth Williams, Zorica Jevremovic, Rudolphus Lubbers, Jose Suarez, Pedro Mira, Roger Barry, Peter Sutherland, Michael K Moore, Sophie Gradon, Dale Winton, Kristen Jensen, Erling Folkvord, Carme Piqueras, James McCarthy, Walter Lubcke, Guido Westerwelle, Eleonora Gonzalez, Karel Schwarzenberg, Eigil Friis-Christensen, Alexander Thynn, Kofi Annan, Mohamed Al-Fayed, Wolfgang Clement, Jens Bullerjahn, Kevin Tate, Jan Kuciak, Luca Attanasio, Sara Dahlstrom, John Houghton, Keith Briffa, Paddy Ashdown, Geir Lundestad, Ian Hall, Konrad Steffen, Prince Philip, David Sassoli, Marcus Fairs, Mohammed Barkindo, Elizabeth II, Benjamin Rothschild, Gordon Moore, Erik Bergkvist, Laszlo Solyom, Emily Morgan, George Alagiah, Irene Bauer, Renate Dorrestein, Dom Phillips, Gennady Burbulis, Yvonne Green, Robin Munro, Michela Murgia, Mette Gjerskov, Pierre Guenin, Gesine Spiess, Benoit Maria, Olivier Metzner, Sajid Hussain, Thomas Oppermann, Rainer Keller

2 Name: Nameless@Passing : 2024-08-04 09:10 ID:Heaven [Del]

Seriously, pol bot spam on Wapchan? Ughhh

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